Privacy policy

Your information Belongs to You

We Will Never 

  • Sell Any of Your Information
  • Give out Any of Your Information
  • Never flood your inbox with spam

We Will Never Email you Junk. We do not believe in spam. You will only ever receive account, order and shipping information.

Follow us on Social Media for sales and fun.

Why are Cookies Required? What information is in the Cookie?

If not for the Browser Cookie anytime you changed form page to page or item to item you would have to log back in. 

If you put an item in your cart and went to look at something else, the item in your cart would disappear. 

It holds your authentication and what is in your cart. We do not collect any information back from your system at all.

I have gone out of my way to make sure that does not happen. 

If you want to see exactly what is inside the cookie, please ask me how to open and view the information. It's Super Easy.

All sites use cookies in one way or the other, most just lie about what info they gather. I on the other hand will show you everything.